Столкнулся с проблемой.
В OS 5.2.9 сайт на laravel 5.2 работает на связке Apache+PHP-7-x64+Nginx-1.14 и PHP-7.0-x64, но не работает на чистом Nginx-1.14 и PHP-7.0-x64.
nginx -t:
Логи nginx:nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: CreateFile() "logs/error.log" failed (3: The system cannot find the path specified)
2019/02/23 22:18:48 [emerg] 8848#1820: CreateFile() "d:\webservers\home\domain.loc\www/conf/nginx.conf" failed (3: The system cannot find the path specified)
nginx: configuration file d:\webservers\home\domain.loc\www/conf/nginx.conf test failed
Пожалуйста, подскажите как решить?2019/02/23 21:50:33 [error] 7792#7100: *54 CreateFile() "d:/webservers/home/domain.loc/www/public/test" failed (2: The system cannot find the file specified), client:, server: domain.loc, request: "GET /test HTTP/1.1", host: "domain.loc"